Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the eyelids and associated cheek skin to produce a smoother and youthful appearance. This common procedure enhances soft tissues in the lid to maximize function, as well as cosmetics.

During the pre-surgical consultation, you will be examined and asked to answer questions concerning vision, tear production, use of lenses, and your desires for surgery. This procedure is commonly performed under local anesthesia by Dr. Newman or can be combined with other facial procedures.

Hidden Incisions

After Eye Lift

In upper eyelid surgery, Dr. Newman hides the incision within the natural eyelid crease and judges the degree of correction. He performs this procedure under magnification so that very small sutures can be used to close the incisions and minimize the visibility of any scar. Most patients and their families cannot find the scar after healing is complete and further attests to the skill and attention to detail of our surgeon.

In lower eyelid surgery, the surgeon makes the incision in an inconspicuous site along the lash line and smile creases of the lower lid, Excess fat, muscle, and skin are then trimmed away before the incision is closed with fine sutures. When sutures are used to close this kind of incision, they are invisible to the eye.

Incisionless Eyelid Surgery–Eyelid puffiness caused primarily by excess fat may be corrected by a transonjunctival blepharoplasty. The incision in this case is made inside the lower eyelid, and excess fatty material is removed and/or re-positioned. Therefore there is no external sign of an incision. Dr Newman uses a pinpoint laser or radiofrequency needle less than one millimeter in diameter to create the opening to remove the excess fat.

After Surgery

Immediately after surgery, small sterile bandages are placed with cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising around the eye. For one week after surgery you will clean the incisions and apply ointment or eye drops. Sutures will be removed in three to five days after surgery.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance does not generally cover surgery that is done purely for cosmetic reasons. Surgery to correct or improve vision or surgery for eye deformity or injury may be reimbursable in whole or in part.

To schedule an appointment to discuss blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) in Palo Alto, San Mateo, Half Moon Bay or Los Gatos, please contact Premier Plastic Surgery

Before & After Photos
(Individual Results May Vary)